Monday, April 7, 2008


I realize I've been rather lax on posting lately, so I'll try to give you the Readers' Digest version. The upshot is that the deadline at work will be here a week from tomorrow (April 15). The fam and I will be in Ohio the 12 through the 14. I had hoped to be all the way down to 160 by then, but I don't know if that will happen. I'll try to post today's weigh-in.

My birthday's coming up (April 17), and whenever someone asks me what I want, I've been asking for money towards another 6 sessions with Angela. I think it will be good timing (right after this crazy time, right before swimsuit season). In the meantime, I've been keeping the status quo. I haven't lost any, but I haven't gained any, either--been holding steady for the past couple weeks between 164 and 167.

The Cricket is increasingly disinterested in breastfeeding, which means I may be weaning her sooner than I intended (I was aiming for her first birthday). But my milk supply is really dwindling so maybe it's all for the best. On a selfish note, I'll be sorry not to have that automatic calorie burn, but it can't be all that much anymore anyway, since I'm making so little milk these days.

I'll be really glad when the deadline is here and gone. I'm looking forward to Ohio, but not to the plane rides there and back (never flown with the Cricket, plus The Boy hates flying and is a very unpleasant travel companion). And I'm excited about the prospect of being able to breathe easier at work. But most of all, I really need to mourn my Grandma's death, which I really haven't had the chance to do yet between work and both the Cricket and The Boy being sick.

So. Not exactly a literary masterpiece, but it gives you a general idea of where I'm at. Thanks for all your kinds words about Grandma.

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