Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Little help?

I have to say that The Boy is being incredibly supportive of this whole diet/exercise thing. It could be that he never again wants to try to figure out how to respond when I'm standing in the middle of the living room, holding our baby and crying about how I'll be "fat forever." But the motive doesn't really matter.

What matters is that when I'm gone longer during the day because of visits to the gym, he never complains, even though that means more hours taking care of the baby for him. Or when he suggests buying something at the grocery store and I say, "It has too much fat," he doesn't respond with, "So don't eat it;" rather, he agrees not to buy it at all.

An excellent illustration of this point occurred last night after dinner. We were watching "So I Married an Axe Murderer" (if you haven't seen it, run; don't walk) and he pulled out a pack of Rolos he bought at the store. Unlike ice cream, baked goods, and just about anything else that involves chocolate, candy bars are items I allow in the house when I'm trying to lose weight, because I've never been much of a candy bar person. But the Rolos started looking good, and I asked for one. He very casually responded, "I don't think you can have one, but there's a square of chocolate left." He was referring to a bar of 75% cacao chocolate, which has much less fat and sugar than, say, a Rolo. Somehow he managed to handle the situation in such a way that I didn't feel like a glutton and he didn't feel like the bad guy. I was impressed. So he got to eat his whole candy bar and help me save my diet, and I got to satisfy my sweet tooth without wanting to kill my husband. Everybody won.

Oh, and today's weight is 182.5. Down .3 from yesterday! (I know, it could be different clothes. Shut up.)

1 comment:

Machelle said...

Oh, I never gave you my favorite recipe! Take a whole wheat Boboli pizza crust, put spaghetti sauce (with no high-fructose corn syrup--hard to find) on it (I think 1/2 cup, or 1 I can't remember but whatever looks right to just cover the crust), sprinkle about 1 TBS olive tapenade (oh yeah you hate olives, never mind) and put a bag of frozen mixed vegetables on top. I use the kind with asparagus. Cover with 1 cup lo-fat mozz cheese and bake. The great thing is--tah dah, you can eat half the damn thing! There's no bad stuff! I make it when I want mass quantities. Because sometimes, you just wanna eat big.