Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Steps Forward, No Steps Back

I have to say I'm rather proud of myself. The Boy, the Cricket, and I went home to Wyoming for a week of R&R, and I came back to Seattle no heavier that I was when I left.

I'm no lighter, either (well; 0.2 pounds, but that could be a few extra sips of water), which means I'm still hovering annoyingly around 156; but when one goes on vacation, one usually gains weight.

I wasn't sure what to expect. On the one hand, I brought my running gear and used it almost every day. And when you live at sea level, running even a measly two miles at 6,000 feet is something to be proud of. I also tend not to drink as much when I'm home (well, when I'm home but my friends aren't), so I'm sure that saved me some calories. On the other hand, I did eat whatever I wanted to.

So, yay for me. I'm wobbling between being disappointed that I haven't gotten back down to my goal weight and proud that I did absolutely no damage in a week away. Either way, now it's back to life and back to reality.


Jenny W said...

Well, you looked totally fabulous! It was great to see you guys. Congrats again on all your accomplishments and hard work!

Machelle said...

Wyoming! I miss Wyoming! In the summer, anyway. Congrats to you and your maintenance. I love the sign in the UWyo field house locker room--"Feel the altitude yet?"